BBQ Competition Information and Official Entry Form


 Contestants are encouraged to set-up on Friday and enjoy the Friday Night Concert.  Contestants who wish to vend to the public are requested to vend Friday and Saturday and must be prepared for a health department inspection.

  Utilities will be available (contestants must furnish water hose and/or extension cords).  In case of unforeseen interruptions to power supply, contestants are encouraged to bring available generators.

  Contestants will not be allowed to leave the competition until awards ceremony and distribution of prizes is completed.

OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM:    Mark here: _____ if you are a returning team (Same team name and chief cook)

Team Name:                                                                              Chief Cook:                                                           

Contact Person:                                                                                                                                                      

Phone:                                                                           Email:                                                                                


City:                                                                                        State:                  Zip:                                               

Do you wish to vend to the public? _____Yes    ______No.  Do you plan on vending Sunday?  ____Yes ____No

Please mark your preferred power access here:  _________ 110 (Standard plug)  or     ________ 30-amp plug

ENTRY FEES:    Two types of spaces are available: Standard & Deluxe

                                Standard space includes: 20 x 20 ft, 110 power supply access- $200                     

                                Deluxe space includes: 40 x 40 ft, 110 power supply access-$250  (These are limited- first come, first served)

***         This is a fundraising event for:      Sweetwater Merchants and Property Owners Association (SMPOA)

                              Make checks payable to:      SMPOA

                    Send entry form and check to:      SMPOA, P.O. Box 123, Sweetwater, TN 37874

The competition committee reserves the right to approve or reject any application.  If your application is not accepted, your money will be refunded. However, no refund of the application fee will be made once you have been accepted into the competition. Any photo taken of your team onsite become the property of SMPOA and may be used for promotional purposes. Contestant agrees to indemnify and hold SMPOA, the City of Sweetwater, property owner,  its volunteers and event sponsors, harmless from any and all claims made against the barbecue competition, including, without limitation, all cost liabilities, judgments, expenses, damages or reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of or in connection with (1) any structure erected by contestant, (2) any apparatus, equipment or personal property used by contestant, (3) an act or omission to act of agents, and (4) any claims made on account or resulting from contestant's participation in the contest.

I agree to abide by the SMPOA and the National Muscadine Festival BBQ Competition Rules and Regulations.


TEAM CAPTAIN/CHIEF COOK (PRINT NAME)                                                 TEAM CAPTAIN/CHIEF COOK SIGNATURE                                     DATE